DataPage Maker(tm) web-page creation utility. ============================================ DataPage Maker (DPM), Version 1.4, does the following: a. DPM transforms information, which is resident in a Microsoft(r) Access(tm) database, into text files called DataPages. These text files are formatted to function as HomePages on the World-Wide-Web (WWW) and are called Data Pages. These DataPages consist of Hyper- Text Mark-up Language (HTML) encapsulating the data extracted from tables in the selected database. (1). DataPages are indented lists of orfered database records, (2). each page containing a hyper-linked record index that branches into and out-of the list of data records, (3). each record having a checkbox feedback system to highlight specific records, and (4). each DataPage (multiple pages for large databases) is hyper- linked with the other datapages in order to permit page-turning. b. DPM operates on 386/486 class PC's using Microsoft Windows(tm) and performs best with at least 8 Megabytes of RAM. DataPage Maker is written in Microsoft Visual Basic(tm) 4.0 and requires Visual Basic's run-time executive, which is included in the distributed zip files (DPM.ZIP and DPM1.ZIP -- but not in DPM2.ZIP). c. DPM permits database updates to be continuously displayed on the WWW, ensuring the web browser has access to the most current data available in the database. Special Note ============ The Professional Version of DataPage Maker creates multiple DataPages for larger database tables (with hyper-linked push buttons on the top & bottom of each datapage) and also provides a Web Forms feedback capability (feedback to the data provider) through utilization of checkboxes, with 'Submit' and 'Reset' buttons. The Professional version of DataPage Make can also handle in excess of 1500 Records per Table, limited only by available disk space. General Introduction ==================== DataPage Maker utilizes Microsoft's Visual Basic 4.0, Access 2.0 databases, and Jet Engine 2.5. All required files are included in the larger DPM.ZIP installation setup, while the run-time executive is included in both DPM.ZIP & DPM1.ZIP. Limitations of DataPage Maker Version 1.4 are: Twenty (20) Tables per Database -- fifteen (15) visible. Twenty (20) Fields per Table -- fifteen (15) can be SELECTED to be visible. (a new feature) Fifteen hundred (1500) Records per Table (excess ignored) -- except for the Professional Version of the DataPage Maker. DataPage Maker assumes target databases follow design guidelines of Microsoft's Access 2.0 (databases with the 'MDB' file extension). Once a Database is selected, a single Table must be selected from the list of possible Tables within that Database. The Foreign Keys within that Table (keys that are Primary keys in other Tables), may be used to provide additional details to the keyed fields. Sequence of Operation ===================== 1. Select a Database. Using the Database File Selection window, select both the disk directory containing the database file, as well as the specific database file name (with an 'MDB' extension). 2. Start Section. Activate Start button and wait until the Database Tables are displayed. The delay is due to the collection of Table & Field statistics. 3. Select Table. Select the desired table by clicking one of the Radio Buttons. The data from this Table will be displayed on the screen. Also, in the Professional Version -- select max number of Records to be processed within the selected Table. 4. Extract Data. Data records are pulled from the Fields of the selected Table. Foreign Keys are expanded if the Foreign Key Data box is checked, using data from other tables. 5. DataPage Section. The extracted data is packaged in an HTML wrapper and placed into a DataPage. If the Directory of Records box is checked, a Directory list will be added to the DataPage. 6. Viewing Data within Selected Table. The Data Control slider bar is associated with the selected Table. Data from a maximum of fifteen (15) Fields may be viewed by use of the slider bar. The Operational Details ======================= <> If the Database Path and Name in the boxes at the top-left of the screen are correct, begin the process by pressing the Start Button. There will be a delay, while vital database statistics are being collected. After this delay, the database Tables will be listed and you will be required to select one of the tables. Watch the color of the lights by each of the command buttons to guide your flow sequence through this process. The Green Light near the 'Extract Data' button will indicate when it is time to proceed. <> Once the desired Table has been selected, the 'Extract Data' procedure retrieves applicable records from the database and stores the data, in preparation for the addition of HTML characters. Database information must be encapsulated in HTML in order to be displayed on the WWW. If the amount of the data is too large for one WWW DataPage, the necessary number of DataPages (max = 99) will be created (only in the Professional Version). <> DataPage Maker creates a minimum of three (3) files within the same directory that the SOURCE database file exists -- the 'MDB' file. The files are named dxxyyyzz, where xx = is the DataPage Page Number, yyy = the first three letters of the Database Name and zz = the sequential Table number, within that database. The file named dxxyyyzz.htm is an HTML DataPage displayable on WWW. The companion files are named dXXYYYZZ.jpg, which is the logo displayed at the top of each DataPage, and 'dp.jpg', which is the 'turn-page' graphic. Example: The 4th Page of data from the 2nd Table, of a database named 'prices.mdb', is labeled 'd04pri02.htm', and the companion files are labeled 'd04pri02.jpg' and 'dp.jpg'. <> Make sure you note the file path and the DataPage Name listed directly below the Stop Button -- this information will be required when you direct a web browser to display that series of DataPages. Forms ===== The Professional Version of DataPage Maker has a Forms 'Submit' and 'Reset' capability with Checkboxes built into the DataPage, to permit the user to select specific data records by marking the Checkboxes and submitting those marks, via E-Mail, back to the owner of the database. HTML Specifics ============== The DataPage Maker produces a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file, appropriate for display of a WWW DataPage(s), representing one (1) Table (Entity) from the source Database. The maximum size of a HTML DataPage is 60,000 bytes and DataPages that approach this maximum size are truncated. [Larger databases require the Professional (Pro) DataPage Maker, which produces multiple DataPages per Table] Questions, Problems, and Comments ================================= Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc. must be directed to Entity Master System. Another way to communicate with us, is to visit our HomePage on the WWW. Just surf over to to record problems, get the latest news, products, & advisories. You can also Register on-line and download DataPage Maker over the Internet. We encourage you to Register your DataPage Maker shareware. To insure that you get the latest version, PsL notifies us on the day of your order and we ship the product directly to you. [ Reference PsL Product #14431 ] Contact ======= You may contact Entity Master Systems by mail: c/o Dave Fashenpour, 714 Regency Court, Friendswood, TX 77546; or by phone at 713-996-0819. You may send E-Mail to either: or -- but best of all, visit our HomePage at: Product Registration ==================== We have contracted with Public (software) Library (PsL) to process any orders that you may wish to place with your valid MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover cards. Reference PsL Product #14431. PsL may be contacted via any of the following methods: Voice: 800-242-4775 (7 a.m.- 6 p.m. CST, except Friday afternoons). FAX: 713-524-6398. E-MAIL: 71355.470@Compuserve.Com. You may also mail credit card orders to PsL, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235. THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY. THE PROGRAM AUTHOR CANNOT BE REACHED AT THE ABOVE NUMBERS. Reasons to Register =================== When you Register with PsL, you will receive the full set of DPM diskettes, which contains the DataPage Maker Professional (PRO) Version and user documentation. As a registered member you will receive individual assistance with difficulties you may experience and you will also receive bug-fixe/features-update notifications, as they occur. E-Mail Customization ==================== To set your own E-Mail address, in order to receive comments from DataPage users, do the following: 1) Begin with a Green Lite on 'Start'. (but don't press button yet) 2) Replace 'Database Path' (at the top left of the screen) with your E-Mail address followed directly by '@@@'. (For example, if your address is '', then enter '') 3) Press the Start button. (Database Path will be reset automatically & your E-Mail address will be permanently stored.) Help with Error #3356 ===================== DataPage Maker Version 1.4, cannot open databases exclusively. If you experience 'Run-Time Error 3356' that states 'You cannot open this database exclusively', an easy fix is to change the status of the file. A file status of 'Read Only' can be corrected at the DOS level by typing 'attrib -r'. + (c) 1996 Entity Master Systems, All rights Reserved DataPage Maker(tm) -- Trademark of Entity Master Systems Microsoft(r) -- Registered Trade Name, Microsoft Corp. Access(tm) -- Trademark of Microsoft Corp. Visual Basic(tm) -- Trademark of Microsoft Corp. Jet Engine(tm) -- Trademark of Microsoft Corp.